Uniqueness in Design

During the course of carving the various Welsh Lovespoons that I have made to date, I find that it is extremely important to try and develop a fresh design. You may say, that's not too difficult but when you surf the web there are hundreds, if not thousands of competitors trying to do the same thing. The answer is to try and gain an edge and make sure that it is totally unique, then you have something that a person would be willing to buy. Add this to the fact that everything on the Welsh Lovespoon is totally hand carved, then you have something that is unique in every aspect.

Now what if I were to combine a Heart with a Welsh Dragon and a Celtic Cross to make a truly Welsh theme Lovespoon. It would certainly make for an interesting design, add a flame and CYMRU (Welsh for Wales) into the mix, then join it together with lattice work. I think it could work and it would be quite substantial, twelve to fourteen inches long, four inches wide.

As you can see from all the elements, the design is formulating and no doubt there will be numerous changes along the way so I'll sign off for now and continue once the design is fixed.
BUT we still have to consider what timber to use!!!
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